Readings, webinars, event tickets for classes, reports, and one question readings are considered a service, not a product.
Do you have a short question or two you would like to ask Maria? For only $49, Maria will answer one question. Ask a second question for $49 and get a 3rd question free!
You'll have a response from Maria within 24 to 48 hours, depending on her travel/tour schedule. If she’s in her home office she will answer the same day! All one question orders are emailed as audio recordings. You may receive written responses for an extra fee also!
1 Question with Audio Response: $49.00
2 Questions with Audio Response: $100.00

Have a Personal Phone Reading with Maria!
Book your personal reading online! If you would like to organize a group gathering please call 586-995-6791. Maria accepts Visa/MasterCard/Discover/American Express. Maria will need your birthday, time of birth, and city born when you make your appointment.
15-Minute Mini Reading $179
Ask Maria 1 to 3 Questions depending on available time.
30-Minute Mini Reading $249
This is a condensed version of the 1-Hour reading
Most Popular Option: Full Hour Phone Consultation with Maria Shaw $499
Maria accepts appointments: 10 AM - 12 PM, 4 PM - 6 PM, 8:15 - 10PM Central Time.
Other times can be scheduled by emailing
​ALL phone APPOINTMENTS MUST BE PREPAID and booked on line.
Here's what the reading includes:
Your numerology forecast for the year. The theme of your year and specific details based on birthday numbers.
Your astrological chart read covering all 12 houses
The 3 major points in your chart; sun, moon and rising sign explained
Predictions for you in the immediate future
Money issues; good years and challenging years for financial gain
Also ways to make money, Travel, New car years, Brothers and sister issues, Home Life, Family issues, Real Estate - Moving, remodeling, sales of land and property, Parents, Kids, Love Affairs, Best times to get pregnant, Hobbies, Work, Coworkers, Pets, Ex boyfriends and girlfriends, Weight gain and weight loss years, Health outlook, Marriage and divorce, Who's most compatible with you, Legal aspects, Business partners, Sex, Your partner's, money, Taxes, bills, insurance, Education, In-laws, Spiritual development, Long distance travel, Career peaks and lows, What career best suits you, Friendships, Past lives, karma and hidden things, Your soul's purpose and lessons, Signs you have had past life connections with, What you were in a previous lifetime, Lots of intuitive impressions will also be included, There is a period for your answers and questions. Your love interest/spouse/etc as well as any children and others you are concerned about can be specifically addressed in this reading as well.