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Astro Journey for Report - Parent with Kids Ages 14 - 29
Astro Journey for Parents who's kids are age 14 to 29
In astrology our ages are considered as such:
0-30 - children
30-60 - mid life
60 on up - elders
With this theory in mind, this is why parents are concerned for their kids, well past age 18. Usually most parents, don’t really stop worrying about their children until they reach their thirties.
So this Forecast Report is written specifically for parents of kids age 14 to 30. This report addresses issues and concerns for children from age 14 to 29, prior to the Saturn Return at age 29, when full astrological adulthood sets in. So much growth and change occurs during these vital years in the search for self -realization, financial independence, the end of childhood, marriage and family, etc. Parents, too, pass through many changes as their children take flight. This report is written for the parent; AstroJourney II keeps concerned parents in touch with cycles affecting their older children as parental control diminishes.
AstroJourney II uses the science of astrology to provide young adults and late adolescents with an understanding of the nature of cyclical experiences in their lives. Cycles are seen as windows of opportunity with definitive beginnings and endings. Some of these happenings are twists and turns or even milestones we all experience in growing up. Others are particular to the generation into which the soul is born. Each generation has a destiny of its own. In addition, AstroJourney describes cycles that are very personal to the playing out of a child’s unique destiny. As our children grow into adulthood, they learn to bear the burden of responsibility and accountability for their choices. AstroJourney hopes to provide some measure of understanding and objectivity, a map to help navigate the often complex and difficult mazes in life.