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Cinnabar with Garnet
Cinnabar Metaphysical Properties
Cinnabar is considered a powerful stone…
1.) A stone of manifestation: it brings things into being.
It is especially popular among those seeking wealth, confidence and romance.
To generate wealth, it is recommended to wear cinnabar or keep it close to the register or check-out, computer, etc, wherever the business takes in money.
Sales people are encouraged to wear cinnabar, as it lifts their self-assurance and persuasive power.
2) Cinnabar is said to aid those who seek love as well, making them manifest their best and most attractive selves--and breaking through inhibitions and self-doubts.
3) This stone is also powerful for awakening mystic vision... and this may empower you to complete your Divine purpose for incarnating at this time.
4) It is a stone of transformation... of magic, alchemy and healing. It aids enhanced communication and inspired thinking.. and may be used to align all of the chakras and release fear and resentment.
This particular piece I hand picked at the Tucson Gem Show also had a garnet gemstone in it, good for the heart chakra and love.
This stone has been found in a number of locations, including Mexico, Spain, Serbia, China and the USA. They may occur as red spots, included in quartz.
Reg $129. Now $69.99