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NEW - Monthly Fitness, Diet and Healthy Lifestyle report.

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NEW - Monthly Fitness, Diet and Healthy Lifestyle report.
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Monthly Fitness, Diet and Healthy Lifestyle report.

Know when you’re like to put weight on, what to eat , things to avoid and more, during any specific month.

Disclaimer: Before eating any foods or engaging in diet or exercise programs, consult your doctor. This report is not meant to take the place of doctor’s care. But rather it’s a guide based on your astrological influences for your health and diet in the month ahead. Plus it has some other cool horoscopes info for you!



What it is: A monthly look at dietary and exercise potential based on where the planetary energy falls in your own personal chart. By understanding the monthly astrological influences, you can take better charge of your life and work to avoid pitfalls placed in your path as you work to live healthier. I will need your birthday, time and city to do this report. If you do not have a time, please put sunrise and I will do a solar chart.

How To Use It: When you see Major Focus Items which will be marked, in the report, pay close attention. Items marked with “Focus” are still important, but not as much of the Major Focus items. The nice thing about this report, is it also gives you a forecast for other things happening, like sometimes but not always, money, career, and other topics of interest outside of health and diet.

An Important Note On Metabolism: You will see references to metabolism as rated High, Low and Medium. Just because a rating of high is considered good, all it really means is that you have an increased appetite more often. If you don’t do some sort of exercise on that particular day, all that food you eat, will simply turn into fat.

Here’s a tiny portion of my own report for this month


Your Metabolic rate this month:

High. Just because your metabolic rate is rated high, don’t think that talking about it, or thinking about a new diet and health regime is going to make it happen. Get off your butt and make it happen! INCREASES THE APPETITE dramatically, making you feel hungry more often. With this much energy present, you should be able to overcome any obstacles before you. Remember to change your routine to keep from getting bored. Because it will be very easy to burn up food that you eat now, make sure to eat smaller and more nutritious meals. If you eat more frequently, say 4 mini-meals a day, your body will thank you for it. Just like a car or plane, the better the fuel that you put in, the better the performance. Avoid heavy food and carbohydrates that can clog the engine and slow you down, stealing your energy. Heavy food can cause you to feel sluggish, resulting in the need to take more breaks and afternoon or evening naps to recharge.

Likely attitude towards health and diet:

You can count on it being unpredictable for sure, while eating a pastry in one hand, and an apple in the other. You would do better NOT eating large amounts of food at one time. Eating smaller portions perhaps four or more times a day would be better for you this month.

Exercise Programs:

With nervous instability increasing this month, stay away from sports that will hurt yourself, or others. You need variety to keep from getting bored, so switch your routine, often. Aerobics, working out, volleyball, jogging, dance, gymnastics, basketball, or tennis should keep your nerves functioning properly. Get an enthusiastic friend to help you exercise, because you love to talk while doing most anything and would enjoy the company.


Asparagus, green beans, tomatoes, celery, carrots, spinach, oranges, peaches, plums, apricots, wild rice, grapefruit, almonds, broiled fish and shellfish, (drink) grape juice, apples, raisins, lettuce, cauliflower, cabbage, milk, buttermilk, and cottage cheese.


Since your nerves are shaky this month, coffee and stimulants should be avoided. Herbal teas have a calming effect. With Gemini on the Lunar Ascendant this month, you may be inclined to eat junk food at the drop of a hat, so choose your junk food wisely. END

This is just a small portion of the multi page report.

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