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Your Galatic Report - Welcome to your Universe
You stand on the threshold of entering previously unknown astrological understandings of the Cosmos.
report includes:
1) A look at Centaur placements ; the healers and helpers in your astrology chart
2.)Your personal connection to powerful black holes
Centaurs are asteroids that travel from deep regions of our solar system. They are similar to comets but are larger. The first Centaur discovered was Chiron in the year 1977.
Chiron emerged as a potent teacher, healer, shaman leading us all through previously unremovable wounds - whether psychological or spiritual. His urging to fully invest the spirit in the body and involve oneself in life now stands as the leading wave of soulful healing.
Now we have many Centaurs to work with; Pholus, Nessus, Asbolus, Chariklo and Hylonome.
Each Centaur appears with a solution to a problem. They can be heroes and helpers of some sort in our lives.
The Centaur clan offers valuable attributes in our everyday life, psychological healing and spiritual growth. Consider the powerful remedies offered by these bodies:
Chiron - healing psychic wounds of rejection, restoring spirit to body
Pholus - overcoming substance abuses, restoring peacefulness of spirit, use of daily ritual
Nessus - defining need and want in money and relationships with healthy balance
Asbolus - development of and use of full intuitive faculties
Chariklo - assessing personal boundaries, both psychologically and energetically
Hylonome - healing grief and regret
As you welcome Centaurs into your horoscope, you will enjoy enhanced awareness of emotion, passion for life, quest for purpose and reactions to all situations.
Your report will also contain Information on the Black Holes in your Astrology Chart
On April 10, 2019, history was made when the first actual photograph of a supermassive black hole was captured for all to see. Behold, a collapsed star in the center of the Virgo galaxy—with a gravitational force so fierce that no light can slip between the particles of matter it pulls in. It's an exciting discovery for astronomy, but believe it or not, black hole astrology is also a thing.
What are the qualities of a black hole?
Black holes are unseen forces that pull us into their fields. Like it or not, we are getting sucked in, no matter how “enlightened” we consider ourselves to be. These inescapable forces yank us into the shadows, revealing our addictions, compulsions and reptilian brain urges.
As collapsed stars, they may represent the things that fall apart in our lives. Why do we keep on repeating the same destructive patterns? What is the compulsion that drives us to sabotage the very things we work so hard to build?
Sometimes, you have to plunge into a dark night of the soul before being resurrected as an enlightened being.
Given this, black holes might just be the portals to our true power. Without darkness there can’t be light—and vice versa. By naming and claiming those compulsive urges, we gain compassion for ourselves and others who are going through similar struggles. If we don’t surrender to our total humanity, these forces will dog us. Instead, we can accept that they exist, then make smarter choices from there.
This report will show you where the black holes are in your life and what to do about them